
The Meaning of 911

Although It is said that 911 was done by Al-Qaeda, an Islamic terrorist group led by Osama bin Laden, it evidently was an inside job by international bankers and U.S. financial and political elites. The possibility of a commitment from Al-Qaeda would be very small if any.


So, why did they that?

Some say the purpose of 911 was invading Afghanistan and Iraq to obtain oil and natural gas, but that was only part of it. The major aims of 911 must have been the following two points. 

1) To strengthen the control and  surveillance of citizens by initiating the 'endless' war against terrorism. That is aimed at building up an perfect governance system in which there is no rebellion or revolution.

2) To label Middle-East-Islamic countries as 'state supporters of terrorism' in the aim of militarily intervening in those countries. That is aimed at constructing of so-called greater Israel that is supposed to be the capital state of the New World Order (one-world government).  

As for point1, USA Patriot Act was introduced after 911, which gave government agencies a free hand to wiretap phone calls and reading e-mails without the permission. Although it's not related to terrorism, a company in Wisconsin implemented a voluntary system of implanting a micro chip in employees' hands (figure1). This kind of governance methods will be more acceptable by utilizing the threat of terrorism, and that is favorable for the people who want to strengthening their ruling system. 


As for point2, the U.S.A that is under the strong influence of Israel lobby could carry out the project of greater Israel (figure2) by militarily intervening in the Middle East. Greater Israel is a promised land for Jewish people that is referred to in the Bible (old testament), and the area is between the Nile and Euphrates river. It is highly likely that Jerusalem will be the capital city of one-world government because it has sacred places for the people of the book (Christian, Judaist, and Muslim). After the 911 attacks, America has intensified its military intervention to the area, and Islamic terrorists have been intensifying their activities, which have caused people living in there to take refuge in European countries as if being driven out by land sharks. 

figure2: greater Israel project

In short, the 911 attacks was a false flag operation that was performed by international bankers and shadow governments to construct the capital of one-world government and strengthen their administrating system. In this respect, 911 was almost a perfect operation, I have to say.

Since 911 was a monument to start the war against terrorism in the world after the cold war, it was essential to be a dramatic incident in which two airplanes dived into the World Trade Center towers located right in the heart of New York city. Besides, as the number of 911 is the phone number of emergency call for American people, the 911 incident has been burnt into the memories of American people as an indelible trauma ーit is supposed to be so by perpetrators.  

Then, I want to list the circumstantial evidences in the page below (link) that indicate 911 was an inside job. I don't want to hold any particular stories about 911 truth because it could have a possibility of being talked down by those who want to say there aren't any conspiracies in 911ー it will only delight them. Rather, what matters is that it's evident that 911 was clearly an inside job when you see those circumstantial evidences. 

Circumstantial evidences that indicate 911 was an inside job(1)


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