
Circumstantial Evidences That Indicate 911 was an Inside Job (1)

★Similarity to typical controlled demolition

Is it possible for a building crashed by an airplane to collapse smoothly and perfectly like that? It's clear that there is a strong possibility of controlled demolition. In fact, Steven E. Jones, a professor of Brigham Young University, claimed that some kind of explosive such as thermit must have been used. After that, he was fired by the university in pressure from the government.

911 north tower collapse

a typical controlled demolition

★Many witnesses say there are explosions

Lots of employees and firefighters said there were explosions besides the plane crash, and some said it also happened in the basement floor.

Testimonies about the explosions

★Obviously suspicious collapse of WTC7

Although the official announcement says the cause of the collapse of WTC7 was a normal fire, most people wouldn't believe it.  

The collapse of WTC7 and an expert's opinion

Certainly, there were some fires in WTC7 that was located in a bit of distance from WTC1 and 2, but we have never had the case of a building that collapsed like this because of a fire. It's more reasonable to assume that the collapse was caused by explosions installed in advance. So why did the official announcement deny it?

★The case of William Rodriguez

William Rodriguez, an employee of the building maintenance company, was honored for his bravery act in 911 by his home land, Puerto Rico, and invited to the White House to shake hands with then President George W. Bush. However, when he started claiming there was an explosion in the basement floor before the collapse of WTC1, mainstream medias and politicians came to ignore him. After that, he joined the 911 truth movement and sued some government officials and related agencies for the conspiracies in 911.

Left: William Rodriguez and President Bush 
Right: Mr. Rodriguez in his speech session

★Five Israelis detained on the day of 911

After about 8 hours of the 911 attacks, five Israeli men were detained by police because of multiple reports to the police that said there were suspicious five men who videotaped WTC during the attack, joying and dancing.  The moving company they had been working for is assumed to be a secret base of Mossad in America. 


★Dan Wallace 

Dan Wallace's father was a firefighter of New York City and died in 911, which caused Dan Wallace to start researching about 911 ーeventually, he joined the 911 truth movement. After that, when he was at work on a movie about the truth of 911, he was found dead on his bed in a morning. Maybe, the real executors of 911 don't want him to be a charisma of the movement as his father was an NY firefighter, one of the real heroes of 911. 


★The case of a chief commentator of NHK

Hiroshi Hasegawa, a chief commentator of NHK (Japan's public broadcaster) mentioned that almost all Jewish employees who had been working in WTC didn't come to work on the day of 911. At a later day, Oct 17, 2001, he found died of fall from an NHK building. The movie clips of the TV program in which he referred to on that point has been repeatedly deleted on the internet. 

A photo of Mr. Hasegawa and the news article reporting his death.

★Ex-Italian presiden's comment

An ex-Italian president Francesco Cossiga said on an Italian leading newspaper like following, "Most of western intelligence agencies know all too well that 911 was done by Mossad and CIA to blacken Arabian countries in order to justify their military intervention in those countries.


Cossiga's presidency started in 1985 and ended in 1992 when he revealed a NATO-and-US.-led plot called Operation Gladio. In that operation, intelligence agencies like CIA used Italian right wingers to fake terror attacks done by far-left extremists, which was aimed at leading people to hope a strong anticommunist leader.

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